CS2 Skins DB

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Default M249 skin modal



Base Stats


Kill Reward:$300

Raw Damage:32

Armor Penetration:80.00%

Fire Rate:750.00 RPM


Magazine Size:100

Ammo Reserve:200

Reload Time:5.70 seconds

Movement Speed:195

Damage Stats

Damage SR Armor:*25.44

Damage LR Armor:**23.80

Damage SR No Armor:*31.81

Damage LR No Armor:**29.74

Bullets To Kill Chest SR:*4

Bullets To Kill Chest LR:**5

Time To Kill SR:*0.24 seconds

Time To Kill LR:**0.32 seconds

* Short Range** Long Range

Accuracy Stats

Fire Inaccuracy:3.56

Running Inaccuracy:165.95

Standing Inaccuracy:9.70

Crouching Inaccuracy:7.34

Recovery Time Stand:0.828931

Recovery Time Crouch:0.592093